Art: International
Rubrik: Expositions
Anmeldeschluss: 31. Oktober 2018
08.03. – 04.04.2019 Tapetenwerk Leipzig
The exhibition EREIGNIS FREI_HAND_ZEICHNUNG / THE_FREEHAND_DRAWING EVENT should give an insight into regional, national and international developments of contemporary drawing. The event wants to show as many facets of drawing techniques and manuscripts as possible – both technically and thematically – and should provide a discourse in interacting of drawing, sculpture, painting, printmaking and comics as an artistic form of expression. With the represented artists we go over two centuries, and at the end of the day there is a contemporary drawing. The exhibition will confront current works with drawings by influential artists such as Max Klinger (Leipzig), Erich Heckel (Döbeln) and Max Schwimmer (Leipzig). With loans from local museums, it once again demonstrates the importance of drawing in the Saxon area. The contemporary positions are selected through an international call for applications. EREIGNIS FREI_HAND_ZEICHNUNG / THE_FREEHAND_DRAWING is designed as a traveling exhibition. The exhibition will start in Leipzig at Tapetenwerk, and will be shown at several places round the „Kulturraum Leipziger Raum“ area (consisting the rural districts of Leipzig and North Saxony).